Berlin University of the Arts

Logo der Hochschule Universität der Künste Berlin
The UdK Berlin is an institution of the 21st century. Arts education and research must be further developed at the highest level - in awareness of the far-reaching processes of change to come.
Prof. Dr Norbert Palz
President of the UdK Berlin
Image: Art at the Universität der Künste Berlin


  • Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz
  • Künstlerische Hochschulen
  • öffentlich-rechtlich
  • 1699
  • 4.191 (WS 2023/2024)
  • Ja
  • Ja
  • Berlin

University Profile

Excellence in the arts and research

The UdK Berlin is one of the few arts universities worldwide that unites all arts disciplines and the related academic studies. In its field, it is an international landmark for teaching and research. The UdK Berlin aims to increase the proportion of 30% international students and increase diversity.
The UdK Berlin has had university status since 2001 and has the right to award doctorates and habilitations. Prof. Dr Norbert Palz has been president since April 2020. The colleges of Fine Arts, Architecture, Media and , Music and Performing Arts, the inter-university centres for Dance (HZT) and Jazz (JIB Berlin) and the Central Institute for Continuing Education/Berlin Career College teach and conduct research in over 70 degree programmes. Close networking with other higher education institutions and cultural institutions in Berlin and international partners promotes research cooperation, exchange and joint degree programmes.

unites all arts disciplines and the related academic studies
is an international landmark for teaching and research
Image: View of the Berlin Career College
Image: Visitors at an exhibition of the Berlin University of the Arts
Image: View of the concert hall at the Universität der Künste Berlin
Image: View of the Berlin Career College
Image: Visitors at an exhibition of the Berlin University of the Arts
Image: View of the concert hall at the Universität der Künste Berlin
Image: View of the Berlin Career College
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Berlin Career College: continuing education in arts and sciences at the Berlin University of the Arts

The Berlin Career College offers further education in arts and sciences in the inspiring environment of the Berlin University of the Arts. A unique range of Master's programmes and certificate courses in the arts and sciences in Germany is aimed at artists and cultural workers. The range of Master's programmes currently includes Music Therapy, Leadership in Digital Innovation and Sound Studies and Sonic Arts. In the certificate area, courses such as Curating, Artistic Storytelling, Music Physiology or Exhibition Design are part of the portfolio of the Berlin Career College. In addition, the Berlin Summer University of the Arts presents a high-quality programme during the summer months, in which artists of all disciplines, students, cultural professionals and creative entrepreneurs from all over the world participate. The Executive Director of the Berlin Career College at the Central Institute for Continuing Education is Prof. Dr Dr Thomas Schildhauer.

The UdK Berlin is an institution of the 21st century. Arts education and research must be further developed at the highest level - in awareness of the far-reaching processes of change to come.
Prof. Dr Norbert Palz
offers an unique range of Master's programmes and certificate courses in the artistic-scientific
artists of all disciplines, students, cultural professionals and creative entrepreneurs from all over the world participate