Non-Destructive Testing (M.Sc.)
Wissensgruppen und Schwerpunkte
Wissensgruppen und Wissensbereiche
Zu den Schwerpunkten des Weiterbildungsangebotes gehören: Measurement Techniques, Numerical Methods & Signal Processing, Material Science, Mechanics, Introduction into NDT & Quality Management, Optical Methods, Thermal & Microscopical Methods, Electromagnetic & Radiological Methods, Research Internship, Acoustic Methods
Die Gesamtkosten des Weiterbildungsangebots belaufen sich auf 21.792,00 Euro (24 Monate à 908,00 Euro).Lehr- und Lernformate
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This course is designed for successful graduates, from engineering, materials science, geoscience, applied physics or related fields and also for people who are working already in the NDT field and those who are seeking careers and advanced specialization in mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering, as well as in highly diverse companies in transportation, energy (including nuclear), chemistry, micro- and nanoelectronics, and public safety facilities, and more. The successful completion of the degree entitles the student to work in the research field as well as in practice in industry.
Angebotsdauer: 4 Semester
Fristen und Termine
Vorlesungszeit: bis
Zugang und Zulassung
nur Wintersemester
Eine Zulassung ist ausschließlich mit einem ersten berufsqualifizierenden Hochschulabschluss möglich.
Bei mehreren ersten Hochschulabschlüssen reicht es in der Regel einen der genannten Hochschulabschlüsse vorweisen zu können.
Zu erwerbende Kompetenzen
With its various methods non-destructive testing is a fundamental component of the quality assurance and control in many areas of the industry today. The step by step courses for examiners offered by the German Society for Non-Destructive Testing (DGZfP) are an established and good basis for operational practice. Increasingly, however, more complete testing strategies have to be developed and implemented.Standorte und kooperierende Hochschulen